Regardless of your age, there is a good chance that you have experienced some form of stress in your life. Stress is your body's way of preparing itself for dealing with a tough situation by increasing focus, strength stamina and the body's level of alertness. While stress helps keeps us safe in potentially dangerous situations, too much stress can actually do our bodies more harm than good which is why it is so important to learn how to reduce stress. When you become overstressed, your body is always at a heightened level of awareness which can affect how you deal with your day to day responsibilities.
Our bodies commonly respond to stress inducing situations by activating the nervous system and certain hormones. When our stress levels rise, the body's hypothalamus sends a signal to the adrenal glands to produce more adrenaline and cortisol and then release these two hormones into the bloodstream. This combination causes your heart rate to speed up, your breathing to quicken, your blood pressure to rise and your metabolism to increase.
Stress also quickens your physical responses by allowing you to react quickly and effectively to any event. Commonly known as the stress response, it is the body's normal response to a stressful situation. In normal situations the body will eventually return to normal once the stressor is handled but problems start to occur when the stress levels in the body never seem to decrease which is commonly known as over stress. In order to learn how to reduce stress, you need to first learn the type of situations that commonly cause over stress. They are:
- Exams
- Dealing with constant problems at school or work
- Dealing with sexual, physical or emotional abuse
- Dealing with relationships
- Being required to handle new responsibilities
- Moving to a new place
- Dealing with a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one
- Dealing with a new or chronic illness or disability
- Dealing with peer pressure or dealing with being bullied
- Dealing with unrealistic expectations that have been placed on you by yourself, your friends, your family or your culture
While occasional stress is fine, being over stressed all the time can have negative effect on both your physical and mental health which is why it is so important to learn how to reduce stress. Some of the most common consequences of over stress are:
Psychological and Emotional Consequences:
- Feeling hostile, angry, or irritable
- Feeling anxious
- Choosing to avoid other people
- Crying
- Moodiness or feeling frustrated with things that normally wouldn't bother you
- A low self-esteem or lack of confidence
- Anxiety attacks
- Depression or sadness
Physical Consequences:
- An upset stomach, diarrhea, or indigestion
- Headaches
- Backaches
- An inability to sleep
- Eating either too much or too little
- An increased heart-rate
- Smoking
If you find that you are suffering from one or all of these symptoms then you may want to consider talking to your doctor or counsellor in order to learn how to reduce stress. Choosing to not reduce your stress will only end up doing your physical and mental health more harm than good.
Patricia Adams of, had suffered from panic attacks for over twenty years, but fortunately found help from it's debilitating effects and cured herself permanently. She now dedicates her time in helping other panic and anxiety sufferers get the info that they need to gain ultimate freedom. Patricia now constantly reviews new products and natural cures in the market to make sure you get the best value products that work for you. Check out actual user reviews of the best panic and anxiety natural cures
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