How to cure adrenal fatigue.
By Michael Fehlauer

A crucial dynamic of handling stress is knowing that the strength within must be greater than the pressure without. A great example of this is the contrast between the aquatic life in the depths of the ocean and a bathysphere.

A bathysphere is a miniature submarine used to explore the ocean at depths that would easily crush a conventional submarine. Bathyspheres compensate for the pressure with steel plates, several inches thick, successfully keeping the water out. But, they are also heavy and hard to maneuver. And when the external lights are turned on, you can see numerous fish through the thick plate-glass windows.

These deep-sea fish cope with the extreme pressure of their environment in an entirely different way. They don't have thick, rigid skins; they remain supple and free. They compensate for the outside pressure through equal and opposite pressure inside themselves. Christians, likewise, don't have to be hard and thick-skinned-as long as they appropriate God's power within to equal the pressure without.

In handling stress in our lives, God has given us a source of sustaining strength. As we face the relentless squeeze of life's challenges and responsibilities we can be comforted with the promise, "We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed!" This was written to Christians who were under tremendous pressure from their traditional religious system, their society and from even their brothers to abandon their faith in Christ. The stress was intense and they must have felt as though they could cave in at any time. But... they had an inner life that held strong. "We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." The writer here must have keenly felt his vulnerability compared to the circumstances he was facing.

And, what was this treasure residing in a vessel of frail earth? What they know... what they've experienced of God... the light He has shed in their heart of His glory, of His character, of Jesus Christ and of the scriptures... these can also be your core strength. Frances Bacon said, "Knowledge is power." The biggest mistake we can make is to forsake what we know in our hearts - because of circumstances, because of disappointment, because of living in this fallen world - when it's been put there to keep us from being crushed.

I'm not talking about a false strength of hardening our hearts and putting up barricades, trying to protect the fragility we feel. This is a genuine strength that is forged in the fires of the trial of our faith, where God's integrity emerges victorious. When handling stress by God's grace, nothing is more powerful than a personal experience of the reality of God's faithfulness!

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By Kate Would

As a former sufferer of hypoglycemia, adrenal fatigue and various allergic conditions I often asked myself 'why me?' I sometimes wish that I'd known then what I know now as it would have made it so much easier. I am here to offer you hope that you are not alone.

It is suggested that the majority of people with fatigue disorders are sensitive people. Elaine Aron devised this test, can you recognize yourself here?

Are you easily overwhelmed by such things as bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, or sirens nearby?

Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time?

Do you make a point of avoiding violent movies and TV shows?

Do you need to withdraw during busy days, into bed or a darkened room or some other place where you can have privacy and relief from the situation?

Do you make it a high priority to arrange your life to avoid upsetting or overwhelming situations?

Do you notice or enjoy delicate or fine scents, tastes, sounds, or works of art?

Do you have a rich and complex inner life? When you were a child, did your parents or teachers see you as sensitive or shy?

IT IS NOT A BAD THING to recognize yourself here. It means that you are one of only 15-20% of the population, a special group. Without sensitive people the world would be a harsher place. You have the rare ability to know what people need, to be there for them, to care for people ' unconditionally. Your gifts are special, unique and selfless. In exchange for all your wonderful gifts you are sensitive to the harsher things in this world. You are sensitive to foreign substances and environmental pollutants. You may worry forever about things people have said and they can eat you up inside. Too many things bombarding you everyday has left you weak and unable to cope. As you develop symptoms of fatigue you don't have the energy to carry on your special work any more and you feel even more detached.

Rue Hass encourages you to remember your ideal qualities; these are featured on her website

Internally deeply caring

Deeply committed to the positive and the good

On a mission to bring peace to the world

Strong personal morality

Often make extraordinary sacrifices for someone/something you believe in

If you're suffering right now I urge to you look for what you could get out of this situation. You rediscover reading, self help books are so inspiring, getting back with nature would help a sensitive person to ground themselves again. Could you use this opportunity to retrain or somehow find a way of helping other sensitive people? You need to allow yourself time to recover and your energy can only pick up if you've allowed yourself some time away from the noise, people, pollutants, demands etc. You're not odd, just because the majority of the population seem to cope. You're not odd ' you're special.

So go forward and nurture your sensitive side. It took me years to build myself back up again and I wish I had understood all about sensitive people at the time. Don't dismiss what I've told you as unbelievable and impossible.

Visit the links I've given you and read more about other people in similar situations. It's the best thing you could do for yourself today. You can absolutely conquer this.

Rue Hass -

Visit and take the full test devised by Elaine Aron. She also has some very interesting books to read.

Kate Would Holistic Practitioner publishes a regular newsletter full of practical advice. Kate will help you start living a healthier and happier life and you'll wonder why you didn't do it before. You can subscribe by clicking the link below, you can also claim your FREE therapy session here too.


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By Luka Malgaj

Stress affects all students, from graduate level to those in the kindergarten. The term stress refers to the response you have when facing circumstances that force you to act, change or adjust in some way to keep things balanced. It is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. In the right dose, stress can be healthy or even enjoyable. However, stress can be very damaging for students when it becomes excessive. It can harm students' health, happiness, performance, relationships and personal development. This article will deal with management of negative stress.

Causes Of Stress In Students

Causes of stress in school children include; bullies, a mismatch between student and teacher, concerns about not having enough friends, not in the same class as friends, peer pressure, lack of family time, over scheduling of extra-curricular activities, insufficient sleep, poor diet, lack of preparation, noise pollution among others.

As the students progress to a different level the causes of stress often increase. When students go to college or university, they have to contend with leaving their parents and beginning the process of finding their own identity as adults and their place in the world. The main causes of stress here will therefore include; the new university or college environment, payment of fees, the new relationships formed, the competitive circumstances, exams, lack of proper time management techniques, peer and parental pressure.

How Students Can Manage Stress

Students can manage stress using various techniques. The most important of these are; 

  1. Learning to manage their time wisely. This is done by setting up a study schedule, breaking up studies into smaller chunks. In short, students are advised to formulate, with the help of their teachers and parents, study timetables and adhere to them.
  2. The student will also need to have a system of organization for note-taking, keeping track of assignments and other important papers.
  3. Creating a good study environment is also a great tool for stress management. Students have different study habits. While some need a completely quiet room free from interruptions, others actually study better listening to quiet music in the background. A student should pick which is best for him or her.
  4. Determining the most appropriate learning style: whether the student is a visual, kinesthetic or auditory learner. Tailoring your study practices around your particular learning styles makes success easier to attain and keeps stress at bay.
  5. Using relaxation techniques like deep breathing, visualization or imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation and yoga. Additionally, being optimistic will help students become healthier, less stressed and more successful.
  6. Learning how to budget money, spend wisely and pay bills on time, if any, is very important for the student's survival and will lower stress levels.
  7. Lastly, students must take care of their bodies and minds by getting proper nutrition, getting some form of physical exercise and getting enough sleep. Seven hours of sleep each night is recommended for optimum body and brain function. Naps, not exceeding one hour, should also be taken when needed.

Following these tips will help you greatly to reduce the stress and it might even help to improve your performance on exams.

If you are interested in this topic you should read the extensive guide to stress management for students on the web site that is dedicated to stress management.

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By Julie Waterman

What happens when you are stressed out? Your body goes into "flight or fight" mode. Without getting too technical, there are actual physical changes that take place; your heart and blood pressure increase, your blood gets rerouted from internal organs to your muscles (just in case you have to run from that mountain lion).

Other changes take place that put normal things like digestion, tissue repair and your immune system on hold. That is OK for a short time, but if you are in a constant state of stress, your body starts to break down, and you become more susceptible to chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. Other things like memory loss and depression are also linked to stress.

What can you do?

Exercise plays a key role in stress reduction: If you haven't started moving yet, it is time to start! Join a Zumba or Yoga class, (ballroom dancing anyone?) take a 10-15 minute walk before dinner, join in a sport league (for the over 30, 40, 50 crowd). Start with a small change. Other ways to help yourself: Relaxation, breathing techniques, connecting with others and finding some activity that adds joy to your life.

Certain vitamins and minerals are essential for survival. Stress depletes your body of these minerals. As you figure out how to manage your stress, make sure you are getting proper nutrition. These include things like B vitamins, antioxidants (hello blueberries), magnesium, omega-3's, and fiber. Let's see; blueberries, spinach, oatmeal, (your mom was right) and salmon is a good place to start. Say: NO MORE FAST FOOD!

Julie Waterman is an ACE certified fitness instructor and independent distributor with Reliv International, a food science company which researches, develops and manufactures patented nutritional products. All of our products are carefully monitored for purity and potency and are made here in the U.S.A. These nutritional supplements have therapeutic amounts of vitamins, minerals and herbs rather than just the minimum amounts. Targeted formulas are also available for weight loss, metabolic syndrome (blood sugar control), joint health, heart health and reversing the aging process. For more information or to order products, please visit our website at

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By Janine Michaels

When you think about the effects of stress on the body, you usually think about external pressures that make you feel anxious. However, the foods you eat can also play a part in the level of stress you experience.

Some foods, like coffee and bacon, you may already be familiar with as foods that aren't particularly good for you if you have diabetes or suffer from anxiety. However, there are several types of food that can stress out the body without you even realizing it. You may not feel it immediately, but it can be a long-term stress on major organs, which can lead to other ailments.

It's important that you are aware of these foods so that you can make better choices in how you choose to include them in your diet.

Caffeine - a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate and soda. Caffeine releases adrenaline, which can put undo wear and tear on your adrenal glands and interfere with your normal metabolism.

Cow's Milk - cow's milk contains casein which can be hard for some people to digest comfortably. Milk can also trigger allergies.

Alcohol - many people wrongly believe that having a couple of drinks will alleviate their stress. Actually, alcoholic beverages is the worst thing you can take when feeling stressed. Alcohol stimulates the adrenal glands, which leads to further feelings of stress and insomnia.

Sweets - while sugar gives you a quick boost, too much sugar will cause you to crash and can lead to irritability and poor concentration.

Red Meat - red meat elevates the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the bloodstream. Both are natural chemicals in the body that are connected with higher levels of anxiety and stress.

Salty Foods - foods high in sodium, like bacon, sausage, ham, pickles and certain processed foods, increases blood pressure.

Food Additives - food additives stress the body due to the fact that your body has to work harder to process them.

Fatty Foods - foods loaded with fat cause lots of stress to your heart and cardiovascular system.

Spicy Foods - while tasty, spices like hot chilies and curries can greatly irritate the stomach.

Processed Foods - food that are highly processed, like anything made with white flour, depletes the body of essential vitamins and minerals because it has been stripped of it's own natural nutrients.

Discover the truth about top diet plans online - do they really work? Read the reviews here []

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By Kristi Patrice Carter

Many people believe that chronic fatigue immune dysfunction is just a condition that makes one tired. What most people do not realize that this condition, which is also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, causes very real and debilitating symptoms. The unrelenting fatigue that one experiences with this condition is much more serious than that of just being tired. People that suffer with CFID can experience fatigue so severe that in can literally render them incapacitated. In addition, they may experience short term memory loss as well as concentration deficits.

A person with CFID will also have flu-like symptoms such as, a sore throat, headache, painful or achy muscles and joints as well as restless sleep. The severity of the symptoms as well as the actual symptoms that one deals with will vary greatly from person to person. CFID is a difficult illness to understand, as many of the symptoms go un-noticed. People who suffer with CFID, often feel very alone as most do not feel that this is a serious condition due to lack of education.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are very similar to CFID. Many believe that they are all generally caused from the same factors. Factors such as a sequence of stresses that eventually will overcome a person that has developed or was born with an adrenal glad that is under developed. It has also been shown that a severe tragic or stressful event on the body such as an untreated illness can trigger the onset of these conditions.

The top reason still remains the same but for the most part they are due to many years of suffering from different stresses. Over a period of time the body’s adrenal glad gets weak as well as the immune system. This can make it difficult for your immune system and your adrenal glad to do their jobs inside of your body.

If you think that you may suffer with one of these illnesses, you should seek the advice of a trusted doctor. Together, you two can find the underlying causes for your condition. You can work on a plan together to get you feeling much better and sleeping better in no time at all. There are different treatments available to take care of your symptoms but be careful on what ones you go with. What may work well for someone else may not work well for another. The severity of your particular condition will help you and your doctor determine what method of treatment is the right one for you.

Kristi Patrice Carter is an experienced marketing consultant and copywriter that has been battling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia for over 3 years. She created to assist others who are experiencing this debilitating condition or hoping to avoid a relapse of symptoms after a symptom-free time. Learn more about Chronic Fatigue Relapse.

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By Chelsea Alves

Do you ever find yourself working for hours on end sitting in an office chair without getting up to take a break? This is not uncommon, in fact most people either do not know or forget to take breaks when working long hours sitting in one position. Whether you work full time or part-time from home or in a traditional workplace setting, it is still important to take breaks. Taking breaks while working long hours is essential and crucial to your health.

Employers may need to think about the environment in which their work takes place in order to develop an adequate plan for allowing time for breaks. For jobs which are full time, two shorter breaks is often adequate. People who work behind a computer all day should take a break every hour or so and be able to get up and move round. This enables them from being in a seated posture all day staring at the screen. People who work in highly repetitive jobs should be offered more frequent shorter breaks in order to prevent boredom which can result in a decrease in productivity, a decrease in proficiency, and less mistakes. There are many reasons why regular breaks are important; here are just a few.

  1. Circulation is impaired by prolonged sitting: When you sit in static postures where you are not moving, circulation can be impeded. When blood flow to an active muscle is impaired, the oxygen supply is diminished, which over time can impair muscle function. The feeling of fatigue often is related to circulation and blood supply.
  2. Working on the computer distorts the awareness of time: When working for long hours on the computer most people do not take breaks frequently enough, nor do they realize how much time has passed since they began working. An easy way to eliminate this problem is to make sure people take regular breaks by using time reminders.
  3. Burnout: People who work continually face complete burnout and what good is a burnt out employee? Physical exhaustion can lead to problems such as chronic headaches, fatigue, inability to concentrate, and trouble sleeping at night. Even if all you take is 15 minutes during an 8 hour work day, you can use that time to refresh yourself and feel more energized the rest of the work day.
  4. Productivity: Many studies have revealed that workers who take breaks are dramatically more productive during the day as opposed to those who do not. After a break, your performance levels increase dramatically so that you can tackle tasks again with renewed vigor and finish them accurately. Mistakes are also made more when you do not refresh your mind and body.
  5. Heart Risks: After researchers in Finland conducted a study on a group of nearly 800 workers over the span of 28 years, they found that subjects who failed to find time to recover from their workweek were more likely to eventually die of cardiovascular disease. If people are not able to relax periodically, plaques can build up in their arteries which contribute to potential heart attacks and or strokes.
  6. Stress: Focusing on a tedious task for too long can easily lead to physical and mental stress. Stress as most know, can lead to serious implications for our health. Common consequences of stress include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, poor fitness, low resistance to viruses, and serious illnesses. If something that is being worked on becomes too stressful, it is best to take a break from it and resume the work once calm and collected.
  7. Repetitive Stress Injuries: Especially for those that sit at a desk all day staring at a computer, it is easy to develop repetitive stress injuries such as eyestrain from staring at a computer screen too long. Carpal Tunnel is also another injury which can develop from spending too much time typing and not typing in the proper position. Sitting in an office chair too long generally leads to wanting to fidget and move posture, most of the time into improper posture. By not sitting correctly and having adequate lumbar support, back and neck pain is sure to develop.
When starting your new routine of taking breaks, start small with 5 minute breaks and work your way up in about a week or two. Taking breaks at work cannot be considered being lazy, especially when you take short meaningful ones. There is no harm in trying, but there is harm in not trying.

Chelsea Alves is the marketing manager for, a company dedicated to finding the best chairs for you, at the best price possible, with the best customer service available. For more information on how to find the perfect office chair for you please visit

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By James J White

The effects of sleep deprivation are so severe that the subject of not getting enough sleep should never be skimmed over. A surprisingly large percentage of people are not getting the quality and quantity of sleep that they should. The human body has a natural sleep/wake cycle (circadian cycle) that is in time with the sun and the planets. What this basically means is that when the sun sets and it gets dark we should get tired and go to sleep and when the sun rises and it gets light we are designed to wake up and get ready for the day. This is not just humans that work this way, as light has a huge influence over the physiology of all life and nature. When the solar eclipse happened in 1999, birds, horses and many other creatures went to sleep in the middle of the day when the sun eclipsed.

How does this happen?

When light from the sun or artificial light stimulates your skin or eyes your brain and hormonal system think its morning. This will make your adrenal glands secrete the hormone cortisol which will wake you up and prepare your body for the day. Your cortisol levels peak at around 6-9am then drop a little but remain elevated throughout midday to support daily activities. In the afternoon cortisol levels drop significantly, especially as the sun goes down. These decreasing cortisol levels allow the release of melatonin and growth and repair hormones.

If our bodies follow the natural sleep/wake cycle we should start winding down as the sun sets and should fall asleep by about 10pm. Physical repair mostly takes place between 10pm - 2am and after 2am psychogenic (mental) repair takes place.

This is all supposed to happen in an ideal world or at least it did happen in the past. But now with all the artificial light, television, computer games, parties, etc our cortisol levels don't drop as they should towards the end of the day which results in a hormone imbalance and reduced repair hormones being released. Also as we have this artificial light to keep us entertained way past sun set, we only go to bed around 12am or later! This results in not only poor sleep quality but sleep deprivation.

So what are the effects of sleep deprivation? Here is a short paragraph on three parts of the body that are severely effected by sleep deprivation.

Hormonal - A Lack of sleep can cause havoc with hormones and the glands that release them. Not getting enough sleep will increase your cortisol levels and decrease testosterone and growth hormone. The end result of this will be less muscle and more fat. This will get worse as well because your metabolism will have dropped due to having less muscle. It is a major contributor to adrenal fatigue with leads to depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, viral infections, bacterial infections, fungal infections, headaches, weight gain, reduced sex drive, lack of energy and many more.

Physical - The effects of sleep deprivation on your performance is that your performance is severely reduced when your not sleeping correctly. You will not only feel tired and fatigued all day but training at the gym will feel a lot harder than it should do. This will obviously mean that your session will be less effective and you will relate the gym with bad experiences which means you will soon give up going.

Mental - The effects of sleep deprivation on your mental health are probably the most recognizable and worrying. It ranges all the way from not being able to concentrate, getting grumpy and ratty with people for no reason, forgetting things, showing dyslexic tendencies all the way up to hallucinating, dizziness, depression.

So how can you make sure the effects of sleep deprivation doesn't happen to you?

* Make sure your bedroom is pitch black - Light hitting your skin or eyes will disturb your sleep.

* Start winding down at the end of the day - If you begin to turn lights down or off at least 2 hours before you go to bed then your body recognizes this as sun set and time to sleep.

*Go to bed by 10pm and be asleep by 10.30pm. Waking up is less important to address as your body should start to wake up when it needs to, but around 7 is advisable.

* Avoid the consumption of stimulants (caffeine, sugar, cigarettes) after lunch.

* Drink plenty of water. If your body is dehydrated then it treats this as a stress. Stress equals the release of cortisol which wakes you up!

* Unplug all your electrical items for a few nights and see if your sleep improves. If it does you should keep all electrical items as far away from your bed as possible. The low frequency electromagnetic energies can disturb your sleep.

* Try exercising through out the day. This can help you to sleep at night. However if you exercise in the evening and the exercise is intense and longer than 30 minutes this can disrupt your sleep by releasing too much cortisol.

James is a coach at the Dax Moy Personal Training Studios, Islington, where he works with clients to achieve rapid fitness and fat loss results.

To find out more or to contact James with questions related to this article please visit

If you are interested in building muscle and burning fat then visit my site at to learn how.

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By Leigh Charles

So many life events cause stress - both good events and bad ones. A new mate, a new baby, a new house, a new job - all good things that happen to all of us at one time or another. Even though these good things are what we choose to do, we still have to deal with how they affect us. Excitement, happiness, and other positive emotions are often offset with feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty, or worry about how life is changing. This balance of emotions causes stress.

When bad things happen, such as a death, illness, loss of job, divorce, or money concerns the stress level can shoot out of control. These serious worries can make some people very sick and unable to function normally. There are feelings that situations will never improve or that nothing will ever be good again. This stress is some of the most difficult for people to manage.

The most common symptoms of excessive stress is fatigue, stress eating, insomnia, and general lack of motivation to do more than necessary during the day. These symptoms can be light or extremely severe. Those affected severely may be almost debilitated by what they are dealing with.

What would be your first response to either type of stress? Think about it - how have you dealt with these issues in your life before? Based on the common symptoms, one of the most effective responses to stress at any level is exercise. We constantly hear that your body will be more energized if you exercise - helping get rid of fatigue. It's also been proven that people who exercise regularly are able to sleep better at night - helping get rid of insomnia. Focusing on an exercise program can help curb stress eating by pointing your mind toward fitness rather than overeating. Also, it has been shown that individuals who are more physically fit often experience fewer health troubles for a number of reasons.

High stress levels can lower your ability to fight off infections and exercise can help counter-act that problem. On top of the physical benefits of exercise, the mental benefits can be many. Some people exercise to look good. Some people exercise to feel good. Some people exercise at a gym for social reasons. Some people exercise to fill time in their day. The reason people exercise isn't usually important - they will get the physical and mental benefits from it either way.

It's recommended that every person exercises at least three to four times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes. More is better, but this schedule will be a great start if you're not currently active in an exercise program. A mix of different kinds of exercise will keep your body completely fit and also keep you from getting bored. Aerobic combined with weight training and core strengthening is a great combination.

Motivation is often a factor - especially when stress levels are high. There are a few things you can do to help get motivated to get to the gym or exercise at home. To find the best motivation for yourself, though, you need to be very honest as you look for motivation and make decisions about your plan. Will spending the money to go to a gym really make you go? For some, the money won't matter and for some it will. Will getting a personal trainer that you'll be accountable to help you get the process started and sustainable? For some, this works and others don't care about accountability to others. Will joining an exercise class where you bond with other people and make friends help you? Some people really enjoy the social aspects of a class while others like privacy for their routines. So, you get the picture. It really depends on your personality as to what will motivate you the most.

Just remember that some of the benefits of choosing certain options for adding exercise to your life can turn into stress busters. Getting to a gym with a class of people can help you take your mind off your issues. It can also help you bond with others who may have similar situations to deal with. Working with a trainer who has the ability to push you to do things you normally wouldn't do can build confidence and self esteem - what a stress buster that would be!

Another way that exercise helps relieve stress is that it relaxes tight and tense muscles. Over time, you'll become stronger and the stress won't be able to affect your muscles as much as before. Also, most people experience a relaxation response to exercise that lasts for an hour or two. This can definitely be a mood lifting thing. This reduction in tense muscles and addition of relaxation time will go a long way to helping you handle stressful time more effectively.

Self-image is an important factor for everyone. When we're highly stressed, our self-image can suffer. Exercise does help build self confidence by making you just feel better about yourself and how you look. A new focus on a healthier lifestyle often results from just starting an exercise program. For most people this means improving your diet to more healthy choices.

And one final word on getting as much exercise in as possible - don't stop at following your program or routine. Always look for ways you can get in more exercise by taking the stairs or parking far away from the door. Do your own housework. Play ball with your kids in the yard. Join a softball or volleyball team. It's important to get moving! Everyone agrees that exercise is beneficial for both the body and the mind. As a result, it can relax you when other techniques fail. Exercise does take time and it does require discipline, but the benefits are certainly there if you're willing to make it a regular part of your life. Consider all the benefits in addition to stress reduction and go for it!

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By Allan Wu

Stress is a part of our daily life and it cannot be avoided. It is a condition arising from several factors such as tension. Medical experts stressed out that it can give rise to different mental and physical problems and therefore must be controlled. Actually, health problems that people encounter are mostly stress related.

Factors of Stress

1. Work related problems - problems with superiors, subordinates, or co-workers

2. Family problems - any problem related to family members such as death or sickness of a family member, unwanted pregnancy of a daughter, etc.

3. Personal problems - personal health, mental, physical or emotional problems

4. Financial problems - any problems involving money

5. Relationship problems - problems with peers, severed family relationships, boy-girl relationships

Symptoms of Stress

1. Sleeplessness - inability to sleep even after a tiresome day

2. Palpitation - heart beats faster than normal and may lead to several heart diseases

3. Irritability - stressed out people gets easily irritated

4. Heart problems - caused by severe or mismanaged stress

5. Mental Illnesses - in severe cases stress may lead to mental breakdown

As mentioned earlier, stress is unavoidable. Fortunately, health experts found several stress management tips and techniques that can help an individual cope up with it easily. However, if possible, it is better to identify first the cause of stress to easily reduce and manage it.

Activities that Reduce Stress

Working out in group

Exercise is a great way to relieve mental, emotional and physical tensions. However, it will be more fun and effective when done with friends or groups. Exercise promotes better blood and oxygen circulation in the body and therefore helps an individual attain a clear mind.

Engage in sports

Sports are a well known stress buster. Playing any kind of sports makes an individual focus on the game thus developing concentration. Sports involving physical activities are also good forms of exercise.

Watch an entertainment

Entertainment helps an individual forget about problems. Watching movies at home or at theaters are also good stress busters. Comedy shows are also one of the best remedies for any tensions in life. Laughing relaxes the mind of stressed out people.

Form a hobby

Hobbies are good past times and make any individual forget about any problems. An individual needs to divert his attention to activities that helps reduce stress and forming a hobby is one.

Balanced diet and healthy lifestyle

Being sick is stressful and to avoid sickness an individual is suggested to take a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Allan enjoys writing up on a variety of subjects. Other than the above topic, he also likes to set up sites on different topics. Do check out his new site which covers useful information on electric train sets.

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How to Treat Adrenal Fatigue.