How to cure adrenal fatigue.
By George Best

Most people know that exercise is an important factor in natural weight loss, but the wrong kind of exercise for certain people may actually be preventing them from losing fat! People who carry most of their excess weight in the lower abdomen in the form of the pendulous sagging fat deposit below the waistline can exercise too much and/or too hard and actually interfere with their ability to lose weight.

The adrenals are small glands that sit on top of the kidneys ("adrenal" translates to "on top of the kidney"). although they are small, the adrenal glands are powerful organs and produce hormones involved in many functions. The most familiar of the adrenal horomones is probably adrenaline (also called epinephrine). You may already be familiar with the function of adrenaline, which mobilizes the body for action by increasing heart rate, elevating blood pressure and respiration, and by increasing circulation to the body's muscles. Adrenaline also promotes the burning of fat for energy, so adrenal function can promote weight loss during short periods of physical or even emotional stress.

The adrenal glands produce another hormone that can promote weight gain though. This hormone is called cortisol, and it tends to cause the storage of fat in the lower abdomen. Unlike adrenaline which is produced for only short periods of time, the adrenal glands can produce cortisol long-term. This means that any fat-burning effects from adrenaline will be overcome in the long-run by the fat-storing effects of cortisol. From a survival standpoint, cortisol serves the purpose of providing emergency storage of fat for energy when the body is under stress for a long period of time. This storage of fat in the lower abdomen will provide energy and keep a person alive if he or she must endure long periods living under harsh and physically demanding conditions. The problem is, mental/emotional stress will elevate cortisol levels too, and for individuals who lead particularly stressful lives, the continued high cortisol levels will likely stimulate lower belly fat deposition.

So what does this have to do with exercise? For an individual who is under constant, long-term mental stress, the adrenal glands are always being overtaxed, so that person's cortisol levels are already elevated and their adrenaline has been long since used up for the most part. If you add a lot of strenuous exercise into the mix, the result is more cortisol production. As the cortisol levels increase, there is a greater and greater tendency to store fat in the lower abdomen.

Many people in this situation who are determined to lose weight will see their inability to lose weight as an indication that they need to exercise harder and more often. These people may be able to continue to lose weight in general, because if you are burning more calories than you take in, you will lose weight, but they never are able to eliminate that lower belly fat. So they work out even harder, but the belly fat remains - and they become more and more fatigued and actually begin to lose strength in the muscles of the arms and legs.

Why would someone lose strength in the muscles in the arms and legs? Isn't exercise supposed to build muscle? Well, cortisol not only stores fat in the lower abdomen, it also stimulates the breakdown of muscle and other tissue to use for immediate energy needs. As one struggles to work out harder and harder trying to get rid of the belly fat, more and more cortisol is released, and the body responds by breaking down it's own muscle and lean tissues for fuel - meaning you lose weight but not fat!

The result is a downward spiral of fatigue, loss of muscle mass and strength, and sometimes the development of joint problems as the body eats it's own tissues for energy - but there's no reduction in that lower abdomen fat deposit that the body holds in reserve.

So what should a person with this problem do to lose that lower stomach "pooch"? Well, first of all it is important to figure out if you actually fall into this category, because with the exception of someone who has high cortisol production and overworked adrenals, vigorous exercise is still one of the most effective weight loss measures one can take.

Someone with a high cortisol problem will have a certain collection of signs and symptoms. First, as we've mentioned several times already, the excess weight is deposited almost exclusively in the lower abdomen. The weight would create a sagging area just below the waistline. As we've discussed, muscle loss may occur in the arms and legs, which may be visibly obvious, or may be noticed as a difficulty in building strength and endurance in the muscles. In addition, people with adrenal fatigue and high cortisol may have a collection of symptoms that could include chronic fatigue, cravings for salty foods, a need for caffeine or other stimulants just to stay awake during the day, swelling in the lower legs, dizziness when arising quickly from a seated position, numerous arthritic problems, cramps in the calves at night, and waking up frequently in the middle of the night.

If you do fall into this category of adrenal fatigue / high cortisol, exercise is still important, but you want the kind of exercise that helps you to handle stress, not exercise that creates additional stress. For someone with overworked adrenals, the best type of exercise is relatively low-intensity aerobic exercise for 30 to 60 minutes about 3 times per week. Aerobic exercise is activity you are able to do without becoming out of breath and without being totally exhausted afterwards. Among the options for this type of exercise are walking, bicycling, swimming, yoga, tai chi, and low-intensity aerobics. Exercising outdoors seems to be particularly beneficial for stress reduction, and subsequently cortisol reduction, at least when there are no extremes of temperature to deal with. Besides changing to a lighter form of exercise, nutritionally it is helpful to be careful to eat plenty of protein in order to spare muscle tissue. This is easily accomplished by most people, but if you've been drastically cutting calories to lose weight, you are probably actually working against yourself. Just 3 to 4 ounces of meat, fish, eggs, or dairy three times per day is sufficient to spare your muscle. If you are a vegan, just make sure to eat plenty of beans, nuts, seeds, and other high-protein foods. If you've been working out like crazy to try to get rid of that belly fat, but all you've managed to accomplish was feeling tired, weak, and sore, by reducing the intensity of your workouts and controlling stress better, you'll likely find that the belly fat gradually shrinks away and you'll look and feel great!

Dr. George Best writes extensively on natural weight loss and is a practicing holistic healthcae provider in San Antonio, Texas. In addition, he is a consultant to, a service that provides custom recipes and eating healthy meal plans for weight loss and other special dietary needs.

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By Kelly A McCaffrey

Learning how to treat your adrenal fatigue is as easy as making sure that you take regular breaks throughout the day, e.g.; 10am and then anytime from 3-5pm.

To treat adrenal fatigue makes sure that you don't skip breakfast or any other meal during the day. When you're hungry, your blood sugar drops, causing stress to your adrenal glands and these trigger your sympathetic nervous system, creating dizziness, cravings, anxiety and of course fatigue.

Missing the important first meal of the day breakfast will only result in weight gain, but if you stick to grazing healthfully every two to four hours, your blood sugar will remain steady throughout the day, giving you more energy.

Eat protein with every meal as well as complex carbohydrates such as; brown rice, eliminating processed sugar, junk food, pasta, white rice and white bread.

Avoid caffeine, energy drinks & high sugar drinks, as these will over stimulate your adrenals, depleting your body's vitamin B.

Learn to relax, by either exercising, yoga, deep breathing or some form of meditation. Make sure you don't do any vigorous exercising as this only depletes the adrenals.

Avoid Alcohol, smoking and processed foods. The nicotine in the tobacco causes the cortisol levels to rise and overuse may result in low DHEA, testosterone and progesterone levels.

Reduce stress; learn techniques that will help you better cope with stressful situations, such as deep breathing causing muscle relaxation and/or visualization.

In addition, those suffering from adrenal fatigue can also include nutritional supplementation into their diet as this may add additional benefits to the adrenal fatigue symptoms.

There are also great herbal remedies that can add as an alternative therapy in treating adrenal fatigue, and these can include liquorice, ashwagandha, maca, Siberian ginseng and Korean ginseng. With those deciding to consume liquorice, to only eat a small quantity at a time, as it can increase blood pressure. If you are also suffering from hypertension or renal failure then you shouldn't consume liquorice.

Always make sure to check with your doctor before deciding on any of these herbal remedies.

If you recently experienced major stress in your life, be it, work stress, illness, family life and have you felt as though you just can't seem to get yourself together?

Are you unusually tired when you wake up, but still feeling 'grey' when it's time for bed? If so, then you, like many others may be experiencing symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue.

learn the simple steps you can now begin to use in overcoming this adrenal fatigue by first learning to cope with everyday stress then visit and start living again!

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By Corinne Bridgewater

If fatigue has taken a hold of you and you have ruled out other illnesses like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome then you may have adrenal fatigue. It is estimated that 70% of all people have it. Fatigue is a sign of stress and stress as well all know leads to some major medical issues including heart problems.

Four key steps to treating adrenal fatigue

One- Get more sleep and relaxation

We are in a society that is busy and fast paced. We have little time or more simply we make little time to relax. We do not sleep well or long enough and we rarely take and "me" time. All this fast paced stuff only increases your stress level and puts more and more demand on our adrenal glands. The hormones just can not pump out enough to deal with the level of stress we are trying to. As most of our organs need time to regroup and recover so do our adrenal glands. We must learn to give them time to recover.

The job of the adrenal glands is to keep our hormone levels at the proper amount. They are known as the anti stress hormones, but they can only do their job if allowed the proper amount of time to rest and recover. Science says this amount is 8-9 hours a night for it to be able to function properly during the day when called upon.

Not only do our everyday routines place stress on our bodies but to a great degree on our emotions and minds too. If you do not allow your minds to distress then your life will stress out and you will become severely fatigued. If you think being tired at the end of the day is bad, just wait until you are tired out after getting up in the morning.

You can see how important it is when you realize that because of medically studies that the state employments departments make all employers give their employees recommended breaks each shift. This is because they found that allowing the worker to rest, their energies are recovered and they can work more efficiently.

Two- Work on reducing stress in your life

Wikipedia defines stress as a term that refers to the consequence of the failure of an organism - human or animal - to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined.

It is obvious that in America today it is virtually impossible to live a life that is totally stress free. It is a fact of life that stress is life, our goal has got to be to find ways to reduce the stress. Sounds simple when you write it, but it really is a rather difficult thing to do. Especially since by the time you need to reduce it, it is already pretty much consuming you.

There is a stress hormone called cortisol that is released by the adrenal glands to help us cope with and then to recover from stress. This is the hormone that is best known as the "flight or fight" response hormone. It acts just like adrenaline. The difference is that adrenaline is short acting to get us out of danger; cortisol is the long term hormone that allows up the energy to perform normal tasks.

When are limited supply of cortisol is used up and we do not allow our bodies times to recover that is when we start having fatigue symptoms. There are things each day you can do to relieve the stress in your life. First off, take time to unwind everyday. A few minutes here and there is all it takes. Try to not get upset over everything and pick your battles. Do not stress over problems you can not change. Do not argue over politics and religion and things that rile you up but really go no where. If you are upset all the time then your stress level is too high all the time.

Besides taking time out to relax, do something with that time that you will enjoy. Do a hobby, go for a relaxing walk, engage in some activity that destresses you.

Three- Take the needed vitamins, minerals and supplements that will help your body

A good multi vitamin will help your body handle stress. There are even companies that make formulas geared to "stress". They will have additions of minerals that help the body's immunities and to recover from stressful situations.

Some of the more important vitamins to take for adrenal fatigue are B5, B6, B12 and Vitamin C. The important minerals seem to be magnesium and zinc. Natural supplements are licorice, DHEA and Echinacea

Four- Try regular exercise

Our bodies are made to move. So exercise is a vital component to strengthening the body. Science shows that with regular exercise, the hormones in our body are circulated better and therefore metabolize easier. Cortisol, the main stress hormone also regulates our blood sugar and is one reason that exercise helps in the process.

When you first decide to exercise do not go hog wild and run a marathon. It is important that you build your tolerance up slowly. If you overdo it you will put your recovery back. So remember to pace yourself and do not engage in competitive sports. Start out by walking, it's a good exercise that is easy on your body and yet allows you to build up to walking more and more and thus getting stronger. When you are stronger then you can think of jogging or speed walking. Start with 20 minutes three times a week and increase to five times a week before increasing the time.

If you incorporate just these four steps into your personal adrenal fatigue routine then you will see noteworthy advancement of health for most of the symptoms. These simple changes in your life will enable you to treat and live with adrenal fatigue.

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By Stephanie H. Yeh

Believe it or not, a heightened awareness of nasty smells is one of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. I discovered that little tidbit recently when I found out that I was suffering from adrenal exhaustion ... along with an estimated 80% of the American population. Now you might think it strange that a cowgirl like me might notice more icky smells, being surrounded as I am by horse poop, dirt, male goats, and cows, but I did notice. So it all made sense when I was told by my physician that I had fatigued my adrenal glands.

What is Adrenal Fatigue or Exhaustion?

So what is adrenal exhaustion? It's just what it sounds like: it is what happens when your adrenal glands get over-worked and under-nourished, so they become fatigued. Why are adrenal glands important? Well, these little pea-sized glands that sit atop the kidneys secrete hormones that allow us to deal with immediate and long-term stress. The adrenals secrete over 50 different hormones, including adrenaline, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, and DHEA. You've probably heard of most of these hormones. These hormones are what give us the ability to "get up and go," providing the energy we need to deal with our hectic and over stimulated lives.

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

Unfortunately, these glands, when over-stressed, eventually stop working, and then we end up with adrenal exhaustion or fatigue symptoms, which include:

- chronic fatigue and tiredness

- depression

- inability to think clearly

- chronic anxiety

- low blood sugar

- decreased metabolism

- changes in skin color

- craving for sweet or salty foods

- joint pain

- decreased immune function

- low body temperature

- allergies and food sensitivities

- dark circles under the eyes

There are other symptoms of adrenal overwork that could be added to the list, but you get the general idea. Our adrenal glands do a lot for our bodies and when we overuse them, they burnout.

Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

In general, our modern lifestyle is a recipe for adrenal exhaustion and burnout. Our adrenal glands suffer when we demand too much of them. Our minds are active and full of ideas, but our bodies can't keep up. Specifically, lifestyle habits that overstress the adrenals include:

- too little sleep

- poor diet

- use of caffeine or other stimulants

- use of medication to get to sleep at night

- use of medication to treat anxiety or depression

- perfectionism

- constant physical, mental, or emotional stress

- over stimulation from cell phones, music, traffic, pagers, and email

You get the picture ... it's nothing out of the ordinary in our modern lives. For most people, it's just a snapshot of everyday life. But it's hell on the adrenal glands. In fact, modern life has such a strong negative effect on the adrenals that some women suffering from adrenal fatigue are showing signs of menopause as early as their mid-30s. Yikes! You read it right: adrenal burnout can cause early aging.

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment

Luckily, treatment is possible for this condition. The treatments fall into three basic categories:

1) Herbal and nutritional support (I like XanGo's X51/Eleviv, other people like straight herbs)

2) Lifestyle changes

3) Reenergizing practices

This article is the first in a series on regaining health after adrenal fatigue, and future articles will cover specific strategies for doing so. The prognosis for coming out of adrenal fatigue is generally quite positive, and many physicians offer the following time frame for recovery:

- 6 to 9 months for minor fatigue

- 12 to 18 months for moderate fatigue

- Up to 24 months for severe fatigue

As you can see, the road back to energetic and vital health isn't a short one ... but then again, most people don't achieve adrenal fatigue overnight either! Stay tuned for more articles on adrenal fatigue treatment, or browse the Zen Cowgirl blog to read more.

Stephanie Yeh is a zen cowgirl obsessed about horses, healing, natural remedies, herbs, magic, MLM, and more. Check out natural horse care tips, ways to fund your horse obsession, natural health products, and more on her blog ( and order XanGo mangosteen products (including Eleviv/X51) on her website

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By Susan J Parker

Does life simply feel out of your control? Every way you turn, someone or something is demanding your attention - right now. You may be sandwiched between caring for children and concern for aging parents. You may be spending enormous amounts of time on your work, growing a business or doing the work of two people as your employer downsizes. Then in between the chores and errands, there are relationships that need nurturing.

But it is YOU who needs nurturing first and foremost!

Remember, the flight attendant always instructs that in the event of an emergency, be sure to put on your oxygen mask first before trying to help those around you. Taking good care of yourself means you are going to be around so you will then be better able to take good care of others.

Adrenal Gland Function

Physically, your adrenal glands are in charge of creating the specific hormones to energize your body in reaction to a stressful situation. Adrenaline helps us in a flight or fight reaction, but most of our typical stressors are not life or death situations. However, our adrenals can't tell the difference and will continue to do their job, until they become overworked and depleted. Your hypothalamus, which signals your adrenals, can become confused and overworked.


The concept of burnout is not new. Back in the 1930s, Dr. Hans Selye determined there were several stages to something identified as general adaptation syndrome.

In Stage 1, your body is in adrenal stress. You feel weary but find it hard to get to sleep. You find yourself getting sick all the time, lacking resistance to colds and other infections.

In Stage 2, your body is in adaptation. Your body starts to respond as if your level of stress is perfectly normal, even though stress hormones are coursing through your body. You might think all is well because you aren't getting repeated infections like you did in Stage 1.

In Stage 3, your body is in adrenal exhaustion. Without any relief from your stress level, your body starts to lose the battle to adapt. Allergies suddenly appear. You are continually ill. Your stomach is bothering you. You've lost interest in sex. You are gaining weight.

If you do not address the stress level in your life, you begin to experience burnout. All of the symptoms in Stage 3 become magnified in the burnout stage. And adrenal depletion can lead to many diseases such as fibromyalgia, diabetes...the list goes on.

What Steps Can You Take to Avoid Burnout?

  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Exercise.
  • Eat well. Research also indicates that a balanced diet, with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins and plenty of whole grains can help your digestion. Your body will be better fueled to better handle stress.
  • Stress management is crucial. Find ways to reduce your stress.

Do you need some easy ways to reduce the stress in your life to avoid burnout? Get Susan's FREE report, "Manage Stress Now - 25 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Stress" available at

By Susan J. Parker, who helps her clients eliminate the root causes of stress and pain.

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By Robin T Campbell

Our Adrenal glands are tiny pituitary glands located on each side of our kidneys. Though very small, It is important to note the very crucial roles they play and the great impact they can have on our health. They are very important for the activating of our response to stress by pumping the hormones Adrenaline and Cortisol into our bloodstream. They are also responsible for regulating and synthesizing other important hormones such as Estrogen and Progesterone.

Naturally It is very important to support these small glands. However, In today's stress filled world, There are several constant factors that keep our bodies on a constant red alert status.

First and foremost is the stress that can be created by our eating habits and lifestyle. If you are constantly rushed, with a lot of stress in your life whether emotional or physical as in the case of fighting a devastating illness, taking a host of medications for allergies, chronic fatigue, unwanted weight gain,menopause symptoms, etc.You probably have some sort of adrenal gland problem.

Fortunately, there are some simple measures you can take to counteract these troubles and help your adrenal glands to function normally.

Take note of How, What & When you eat:

If you do not eat a simple lean protein breakfast at least by 9:30 AM Your Cortisol levels will be hitting an all time high! Your body will then begin the process of slowing down your metabolism, trying very hard to protect you from the stress of not having any food in your body for several hours. Your blood sugar levels will gradually keep dropping along with your blood pressure. Your body is now very Stressed out. By the time you DO finally eat something. Well, chances are you will be craving for all the wrong things, which in turn leads to more stress on your body, which is very taxing on your Adrenal glands, and so instead of achieving long term energy, you now have long term FAT storage from the high Cortisol production and tiredness.

Truly, eating simple protein snacks and complex carbs -thru-out the day which are your whole grains,nuts and RAW fruits & vegetables, Starting with a simple breakfast before 10: AM -will keep you energized, a lot healthier and thinner too! They also help reduce emotional Stress as well- let's face it, we are all comforted when we are eating something, so why not make it healthy!

So begin your new eating for health plan the following way:

Breakfast: Whole grain toast with 1 minute oatmeal or any low sugar grain cereal is a great choice, or Fresh fruits you love along with a slice of lean or vegetarian style bacon or whole wheat toast with an omega 3 enriched egg cooked in a little smart balance butter or even boiled. No Time? Grab a hand full of raw almonds or any nuts you can eat and a piece of fruit. Believe it or not even a cold slice of pizza and a glass of milk is much healthier than not eating at all.

Snacks: Eating 2-3 healthy snacks in between meals will balance your ph and Cortisol and blood sugar levels perfectly! So Keep a handy supply of whole unroasted nuts, fruits, veggies, whole wheat crackers, low fat popcorn .... eat only one handful of the nuts & crackers due to the higher calories.

Also keep in mind, if you have had a lot of hardship and stress in your life you no doubt need some EXTRA vitamin's & minerals that have been depleted because of constant stress overload. Here are some of our recommended herbs and nutrients:

1. Healthy Amino acids, vitamin e & omega -3 supplements or foods like salmon, eggs, nuts.

2.Vitamin B complex with C, Calcium, & extra trace minerals like selenium, zinc & Iodine

3. Herbal adaptogens to help you body adapt to the stress:

Top Three:

Siberian Ginsing Ashwaganda Astralgus root

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By Erika Cook

Are you feeling tired, worn out, or just unable to regain your normal energy level no matter what you do? If the answer is yes then you may be suffering from a condition called Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (technically called hypoadrenia) is a disorder that is affecting more and more people every day, however a majority of the sufferers are not even aware that their symptoms are even symptoms at all. This is a very prevalent, yet rarely diagnosed condition that has been around for the past 50 years. Because this condition has gone mostly overlook, most will be left untreated.

First, what exactly are the adrenal glands? The purpose of your adrenal glands are to assist your body in coping with any sort of stress. The stress can come from any possible source, from injury and disease to work and relationship problems, the adrenals handle it all. Often referred to as "the glands of stress", the adrenal glands are directly responsible for your resiliency, energy, and endurance. Without any of these things we wouldn't even be able to get out of bed in the morning, let alone deal with stress! They also are responsible for producing hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone which are a necessary part of your body's functionality. You have two adrenal glands, each the size of a walnut, and they sit atop each kidney. Centrally located, these glands not only affect every tissue, organ, and gland in your body, they also greatly affect how you think and feel as well.

Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome is when your adrenal glands have been over stimulated and are not functioning at the optimal level. Overstimulation of the adrenals can occur after periods of intense and lengthy physical or emotional stress. Your glands then become exhausted, unable to keep up with your increased stress levels, therefore resulting in the adrenals not being able to supply your body with the sufficient amount of hormones that it needs to function at a normal level. Some common symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue are:

- excessive fatigue and exhaustion
- inability to cope with stress of any kind
- feeling constantly rundown
- craving salty and sweet foods
- craving caffeine or other stimulants
- difficulty concentrating
- low stamina
- poor digestion
- low immune function
- low blood pressure
- getting non-refreshing sleep

Unfortunately, there is no test that one can take to diagnose adrenal fatigue syndrome and there is no miracle pill to cure it either. Recovery from Adrenal Fatigue takes major lifestyle changes along with taking different supplements and vitamins that your doctor recommends. In order for you to fully recover from this condition it will take dedication and patience.

If you believe that you indeed may be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome here are some simple life style changes that can help improve the functionality of your adrenal glands:

- Laugh as often as possible, this increases the parasympathetic supply to the adrenal glands
- avoid stressful environments and people
- exercise 3-4 times per week (or more)
- go to bed no later than 10 pm every night
- sleep in until 9 am, if possible
- eat 6 small meals a day, rather than 3 large meals
- always eat breakfast
- avoid alcoholic beverages as they hinder the functioning of your immune system
- avoid excessive caffeine intake
- avoid excessive sweets, try to regulate your blood sugar
- take a multivitamin/ B complex
- take adrenal glandulator, this is helpful in replacing some hormones that may be missing
- take Pregnenolone, DHEA, these are good hormones that can help to resolve adrenal fatigue

Erika Lyn Cook is a freelance writer and the author of the upcoming book Purple People - The Diary of an Indigo Child. This book is a memoir of her life, and takes you through a journey of exactly what it's like to live as an Indigo child. Erika is also a certified Angel Healer Practitioner, Reiki practitioner, a certified Chrystal Healer, and an I.E.T. Healer. For more information about her services or about her upcoming book visit her website at

Article Source:
By Caroline Selfe

Following a healthy adrenal fatigue diet will help you regain your vitality and well-being. If you are feeling wiped out by excessive stress, you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Making an effort at eating more consciously can be the first step towards recovery.

An adrenal fatigue diet has the same rules as other diets or eating plans. Eating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats and fish are basic healthy eating guidelines. Recovering from overwhelming fatigue requires a few more elements.

The following tips will help you stick to a healthy adrenal fatigue diet.

1) Replace fast and refined food with fresh, unprocessed food. If you must eat at McDonald's or Burger King, choose the salads as opposed to sandwiches and fries. At the market, choose the packaged foods with the least amount of ingredients. Eating fresh, whole foods is much less taxing to your adrenal system and takes less energy to digest.

2) Caffeine, sugar and alcohol are all strong physical and mental stimulants. Substitute these stimulants with healthier choices. Instead of coffee, drink green tea. Use natural sweeteners like Stevia or Xylitol. Drink only one glass of red wine. Exercise, meditate or do yoga for relaxation.

3) Eat regular meals. When one suffers from adrenal fatigue, eating more healthy foods is required. Our blood glucose levels need to remain steady. This is accomplished by regular meals and snacks of protein, vegetables and whole grains. Your energy levels will recover and remain constant by eating three small meals and three snacks throughout the day.

Sticking with an adrenal fatigue diet and healthy eating plan allows our adrenal system to recover from depletion. These guidelines are a vital part of taking control of your overall health. As you treat your body more gently, you will begin to feel more energetic and less stressed out.

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For more information on healthy eating click here: Adrenal Fatigue Diet

Caroline Selfe has been a passionate seeker of natural and holistic stress relief methods for the past 25 years.

Article Source:
By Gerry Geneva

Low stamina, poor digestion, slow to recover from injury or illness, non-refreshing sleep, and extreme sensitivity to cold are just some of the symptoms that people with adrenal fatigue experience. When we often find ourselves under stress, our adrenal glands stop working properly and don't produce enough of the necessary hormones needed to constantly release a healthy dose of energy - resulting in us feeling tired and exhausted. If you are mentally in a constant fog, constantly feel tired, or have a tough time focusing, you could be suffering from what is generally referred to as adrenal fatigue. Here are six ways to help decrease brain fog caused by the disorder:

Take in 'well-spaced' meals. If you tend to skip meals, then you ought to know that you are doing more harm than good for your body. This is especially true when talking about breakfast; not taking it is a surefire way to gain - not lose - weight. For most people with adrenal fatigue, they should eat closer to 5-6 meals a day as opposed to the traditional 3.

When you're hungry, your blood sugar drops, making you feel light-headed and tired. You would also notice that this is when you have short attention span and inability to focus on what you're doing. Have a good breakfast and follow it up with well-spaced meals. This will help sustain your energy throughout the day.

Stock up on protein. Hand in hand with the frequency of your meals is the kind of food that you actually take in. Make sure to eat those that are rich in protein; they will help boost your energy and keep you focused. On the other hand, it's a good idea for you to do away with junk foods and those that have a lot of sugar.

No to caffeine. You should keep in mind that coffee doesn't make you energized; it just gives you an illusion of boosting your energy. In reality, caffeine actually deprives you of B vitamins - decreasing your energy and making you feel even more tired. More caffeine doesn't not help with brain fog or adrenal fatigue, it makes it worse.

Do relaxing exercises. Instead of rigorous exercises like aerobics, opt for those that will stimulate the body but will also be relaxing. You can try yoga, deep breathing, meditation, or even something as simple as walking and stretching regularly.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Even if you don't have adrenal fatigue, you should smoke and drink in moderation - but even more so if you are experiencing this disorder. Alcohol and tobacco make your glands function even badly, so don't make your body grow weaker by drinking and smoking.

Reduce stress. We all experience stress every day, but try to reduce it by learning to relax. Try going for short walks or taking breathers every few hours.

Gerry Geneva is a personal energy coach and expert. He specializes in beating adrenal fatigue through energy management techniques, proper nutrition and adrenal fatigue supplements.

Article Source:
By Caroline Selfe

Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome sufferers know the true meaning of exhaustion. They know it all too well. The exhaustion is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The manifestation of the many symptoms including exhaustion is a wake up call.

The cause of adrenal fatigue syndrome is daily pounding stress. So much stress that your stress-fighting system has been depleted. When one develops a stress-related illness it is a reflection of lifestyle. You have to ask yourself, "How did I get this way"? You got this way because of self-neglect, low self-esteem and denying your emotions.

The symptoms of adrenal fatigue syndrome tell you it is time for a change. If you do not take the time to heal your life, there is a huge chance an even worse illness will strike. You can do this by deciding to take care of yourself and love yourself enough to go through the healing process. Take these steps and your vitality will return.

· Build your self esteem. If you don't feel worthy of the self love it takes to become healthy, you are simply not going to heal.

· Give your body what it needs. Change your eating habits, take daily walks and get enough rest and relaxation. Vitamin and mineral supplements will also strengthen your nervous, immune and adrenal systems and relieve the exhaustion.

· Deal with stressors. When someone or something is causing you daily stress, you can do one of three things. Get rid of the stressor, change the stressor or change how you think about the stressor. It is as simple as that.

· Heal emotions and trauma. Carrying around negative emotions can wear you down. It is time to deal with the anger, resentment and hurt that you feel. It is time to forgive and heal.

Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome is a condition of your state of self-esteem. It is treatable only if you change your lifestyle. Slow down, listen to yourself and nurture your body, mind and spirit back to health.

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Caroline Selfe has been a passionate seeker of natural and holistic stress relief methods for the past 25 years.

Article Source:

How to Treat Adrenal Fatigue.